
Glaucoma is actually a family of conditions where the optic nerve taking information to the brain is damaged. We know the many forms of glaucoma have a genetic predisposition so if you have any family members with glaucoma it is especially important that you undergo a screening eye exam. Many forms of glaucoma have an association with increased pressure inside the eye. This pressure buildup damages some of the nerve fibers of the optic nerve causing first the loss of peripheral then central vision.

Glaucoma normally is not painful and many people who have it don’t know it until it is in the advanced stages. Once vision is lost from glaucoma it is irreversible so the key is preventing the damage before it ever happens. Usually we treat our glaucoma patients with a combination of drops and/or lasers to lower the pressure inside the eye. Recently, many new minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) procedures have changed the way glaucoma is treated. We will thoroughly discuss all the treatment options for your glaucoma with you to find one compatible with our mutual goals.