Rosacea Treatment (IPL)

Why IPL for Rosacea?  

A fast, yet gentle treatment that visibly improves:  

  • Redness  

  • Flushing  

  • Small blood vessels 

  • Overall skin appearance by stimulating collagen and elastic fiber production. 

What is it?    

Dr. Moss can now treat your rosacea symptoms and ensure great looking skin, while treating not only the redness and flushing, but also removing skin imperfections and stimulating collagen and elastin fiber production. The Rosacea treatment uses Lumenis’ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology with OPT™ to gently target this vascular condition. 

When will I see results? 

The IPL Rosacea treatment tones down redness, flushing, and visible small blood vessels, over a series of treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. 

What can I expect after treatment? 

Immediately following treatment, you may experience some additional redness, depending on your customized treatment settings. The redness will usually fade away within a day or two. In most cases, makeup may be applied immediately, and daily activities can be resumed the very same day.  We advise you to stay out of direct sun for a few weeks following the treatment and to apply sunscreen regularly. 

Is it right for me?  

IPL rosacea treatments are not suitable for everyone and may carry some risks. IPL treatment for Rosacea is not suitable when you have active infections, viral, fungal or bacterial diseases, inflammatory skin conditions or skin cancer. Risks may include: redness, swelling, change of pigmentation and scarring.

How does it work? 

The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology allows treatment of Rosacea symptoms like flushing, redness and visible blood vessels, as well as improving the overall appearance of your skin. The Stellar M22™ IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) enables Dr. Moss to customize the treatment according to your skin type, condition severity, and desired results, with maximum safety. Light pulses penetrate the tissue and create heat inside the blood vessels, which closes the vessels’ walls, eventually causing them to disappear. 

The treatment  

To ensure your utmost comfort during the procedure, we will apply cold coupling gel on the treatment area. Depending on your specific concern, you can expect the session to last 15-30 minutes. You may experience a warm sensation as the light is applied to the skin, but the treatment is gentle and should not feel uncomfortable.